Redeemed from Gay Lifestyle, Pastor and Father releases Second book, Breaking Sin’s Grasp

Redeemed from Gay Lifestyle, Pastor and Father releases Second book, Breaking Sin’s Grasp

Author Jim Domen reveals why temptations — from sexuality to gluttony — no longer define believers

Not A Mistake, LLC
Nov. 8, 2024

Newport Beach Nov. 8, 2024 -- In a last gesture of surrender, Jim Domen sprawled out on the floor, staring up at the vaulted ceiling as he assessed his cavern of loss. An ungodly relationship, costing him his home, car, business, and all other earthly possessions, stripped him to his core. The most stinging casualty: His dignity and identity.

Domen’s journey from a gay lifestyle to a reconciled Christian, and committed husband, father, pastor, and ministry leader has led to the release of his second book, Breaking Sin’s Grasp, Your Temptation Doesn’t Define You.

His newest release, targeted at male readers, “explores the question of what to do when your temptations resurface, and you feel like you cannot break sin’s grasp?” Domen explained, adding the book offers hope and practical steps for anyone caught in a cycle of habitual sin.

Topics the author tackles include pornography, unbiblical sexual relations, pre-marital sex, and lust. Beyond sexual sin, Breaking Sin’s Grasp also covers broader areas of temptations such as substance abuse, night terrors, and even sugar/obesity.

“The book features the stories of men who have experienced failure and yet overcome their sinful behaviors. It helps readers in their quest to untangle themselves from sinful desires to move their hearts and minds from stagnation to activation,” Domen said.

Complementing the men’s stories are prayers woven into the text from mothers and wives, bringing hope when God answers their cries to heaven. It’s a quick read with an accompanying workbook, accountability group material, and a 9-session video series.

“The heart behind the book is to set men free like I’ve been set free!” the author declared.

Domen’s experience makes him uniquely qualified to offer simple — yet profound — ways of living in freedom so temptation does not define a man’s masculinity. He taps into his own story to reveal his path in overcoming sexual sin and overeating, a pathway he has used to help set men free during his 20-year ministry.

Domen’s story was the subject of his first book, “Not A Mistake, Parents’ Hope for Their Gay Son.” (Vide Press, 2022)

In addition to launching Church United, a ministry training and equipping pastors to speak into culture, Domen’s journey has led to national demand as an online life coach and retreat/event speaker. Online coaching is also available to women.

For more information or to order the book, visit

Books written:

Not A Mistake, Parent’s Hope for Their Gay Son

          Breaking Sin’s Grasp, Your Temptation Doesn’t Define You

          God Created Male and Female ages birth-2

          God Create Man, Woman, and BABIES! ages 3-5

          Boys and Girls Are Different by Design ages 6-8

 Media copies are available at no cost.

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